
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My Mums Visit

It was fantastic to have my Mother (Barbara) visit us here in Geraldton for 16 days. However, those 16 days vanished into thin air and we only managed to achieve half of what we set out to!!   Like John and I, Mum found Geraldton to be a wonderful place all around, and couldn’t believe the friendly people here.  Back home (Where John and I also originate from) is an Island (Weeroona Island, also known now as Port Flinders) and there are ‘no’ shops at all.  Adelaide is the decent shopping district and is a 3-4 hour drive from the Island, which Mum only does on the odd occasion.  Mum shopped till she dropped while she was here in Geraldton, and I have numerous parcels ready to post back home to her, otherwise she would have been hit with a massive excess luggage bill. LOL

Even though Jesse has been on a plane before, he was obviously too young to remember and was utterly fascinated with Grandma’s plane landing.  The face said it all, a little concerned, total listening in place, and of course the “WOW” factor.  It truly was priceless...
I just had to get some happy snaps of Mum coming off the plane, and I managed to do just that!!  Mum is the one at the top of the stairs in the above photograph.  Love that "Eco Friendly" green shopping bag in her hand in the below photograph :-)
Strangely enough, Jesse seemed to remember Mum, perhaps due to the fact that Mum sang the same song to him from a baby (when we were living on Island), and continued even though we lived so far away, via the phone.  Normally Jesse reacts (screams like being murdered) when a new face pops into say hello – but he chitter chatted away as if he remembered.  I was totally gob-smacked (now that is real Aussie lingo) ...

 And here they are sharing a ‘kiss’... one slobbery, gooey kiss... LOL
Yes, there are photographs of Mum eating her Nutella for breakfast, but I dare not show them in public – think she’d ring my neck.  Jesse loved sharing his breakfast with Grandma...

And sharing some playtime together...

Below - Saying ‘goodbye’ L

Mum managed to just get home (by a cats whisker) due to the strike action by Qantas, and was on the last plane out of Perth on Saturday.  I was hoping she would not be able to fly and get to spend more time with us ... but that was a bit selfish.  I loved the time we all spent together and I miss her very much...

1 comment:

  1. So glad that your mother came to visit you and your family.
    I am sure that you had a wonderful time with her and looks like Jesse love it as well.
    Glad she made it home safely :) have a good week :)


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