
Friday, April 27, 2012

Exciting News - Helmar Design Team

I am so thrilled to announce, that I am about to embark on a sticky ride of bliss, having been accepted into the Helmar Design Team!  WOOT WOOT!

Helmar have the most amazing adhesives, glues and craft related products and I'm so looking forwards to working with this wonderful product!

 The New Helmar Design Team consists of 19 full time designers, 5 guest artists, and 1 sketch artist.

Lydell Quin- Our Helmar Challenge and Sketch Artist
Erin Morehouse - Our May Guest Designer
Lisa Wilkinson - Our June Guest Designer
Katie Nolan-Denhan - Our July Guest Designer
Kate Vickers -Our August Guest Designer
Cheryl Walker - Our September Guest Designer
Erika Taylor- Design Team Coordinator
Also Jessica Morales will be doing some amazing videos for us on a regular basis and we wanted to give her a shout out too.

Come join in the Facebook page, so as not to miss out on any of the 'news'...

and visit the Helmar Blog, for some inspiration, videos and lots of upcoming 'new' ventures!


  1. Congrats Sandie... way to go girl :)

  2. Congratulations Sandie, they are so lucky to have you on their team!!

    Just done a google search again to see if Helmar is available in the UK as I have heard ozzies recommend it before, but only found one supplier and they only had glue dots, too bad...

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Congrats work!

  4. Congratulations Sandie from the other side of the world. Hugs from Scotland. Rita xx

  5. Ooo, congrats on your sticky new position, Sandie!! That's so neat!

  6. Congrats Sandie...wonderful news,
    Julia ♥

  7. whooo hooo two wonderful teams together :)

  8. Congratulations Sandie, sounds like you are going places. Well done!

  9. Toot toot! CONGRATS on your new sticky gig! have been looking for the stuff in this hemisphere too but no luck. xoxox


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